Department of Public Management and Administration

Education level Speciality Educational programme
Bachelor’s degree 281 “Public administration and
Public administration and
Master’s degree 281 “Public administration and
Public governance of sustainable development
development of territories
PhD 281 “Public administration and
Public administration and

Department of Management and Business Administration

Education level Speciality Educational programme
Bachelor’s degree 073 “Management” Business administration
Master’s degree 073 “Management” Business administration
Master’s degree 073 “Management” Management of an educational institution

Department of Management in Information Technologies

Education level Speciality Educational programme
Bachelor’s degree 073 “Management” Management in the field of
information technology
PhD 073 “Management” Management

Department of Speech Therapy and Innovative Technologies in Inclusion

Education level Speciality Educational programme
Bachelor’s degree 016 Special education, specialisation 016.01 Speech therapy Special education
Master’s degree 016 Special education, specialisation 016.01 Speech therapy Inclusion in education