Students of the specialty “Public management and administration” visited the Galician territorial community in order to study the practical experience of public administration in the territorial communities of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.
An interesting meeting was held with the leadership of the Galician City Council, where students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the activities of local self-government bodies.
The students’ participation in the test session of the meeting of the deputy body of the city council was organized and carried out by the specialists of the management apparatus. Students of education were curious to look behind the scenes of local self-government, learned about the peculiarities of the work of deputies and officials, about the software used in the management apparatus of the Galicia City Council in the decision-making process.
Students also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the Galician territorial community, in particular, they visited the Church of the Nativity of Christ – an outstanding architectural monument that opened unique pages of history, visited the museum of Karaite history and culture, where they learned about the cultural heritage of this ancient people, climbed the tower Galicia Castle, where you could enjoy the panoramic views.
We express our gratitude to the Chairman of the City Council, Oleg Kantor, for the opportunity to gain practical experience and the organization of an interesting cultural program.